Sanctuary Spaces

Transforming Your Bathroom into a Relaxation Zone

by Angela Hurtle

As winter approaches and daylight fades quickly during the chilly afternoons, January offers an excellent opportunity to declutter and refresh our surroundings. This is the perfect time to rethink our spaces and create environments we enjoy, rather than feeling confined by our surroundings. A clean, inviting environment can significantly improve our mood, decrease stress, and enhance endorphin levels. Here are some simple, budget-friendly ideas for refreshing your bathroom.

Imagine your bathroom as a blank slate, free from clutter and debris. Visualize walking into this space: if someone could read your thoughts and design the perfect bathroom based on what you currently have, what would it look like?

What fresh, clean scents envelop your senses? Is it the fragrance of clean linen, the sweetness of your grandmother’s roses, or the sharp scent of soap? Are there candles of various sizes flickering on one side of the counter, with three soft, white rolled hand towels neatly arranged beside the sink?

Is the lighting soft and dim? Is the bathtub filled with bubbles, with steam gently rising from the hot water? What would it take for your bathroom to become your favorite room in the house?

Start with these three simple steps:

1. Clean Your Bathroom Thoroughly: This likely isn’t your first time cleaning your bathroom, so you probably have most of the necessary cleaning products on hand. There’s no need to buy new supplies unless you’re out. Don’t forget to dust and clean those hard-to-reach spots, and make sure to mop the floor!

2. Declutter: Get rid of old makeup, hair sprays, razors, and expired products. Every product has a shelf life, so check for expiration dates and dispose of items accordingly.

3. Clean the Grout: Use baking soda or vinegar to remove black mildew or mold from your shower or bathtub. Be cautious with bleach and bleach products, as they can erode various surfaces and irritate your skin if not rinsed thoroughly! Replace old shower curtains that are affected by pink or black mold.

Once your bathroom is clean, take a moment to step back and admire your hard work. It may feel exhausting, but think about how you can enhance the space further. What was your vision for this area? How can you achieve it?

If you have a clear idea of how to realize your dream bathroom, focus on gathering supplies you already own. Use soft towels and candles (battery-operated ones are preferable, but scented candles will work as well). Pull out new soap, sprays, or natural reed defuser that can enhance your senses. Consider changing your shower curtains, window curtains, rugs, and toilet covers.

You might even want to take it a step further by altering the color scheme, creating a theme, or adding shelves. If you’re feeling enthusiastic, a new paint job or color change can make a big difference. Looking at bathrooms in magazines, visiting home stores, or watching decorating shows can also inspire ideas.

Whatever changes you make, try to keep them within a budget that suits you. There are many inexpensive last minute pickups that you can get at home stores such as Home goods, Marshalls, or the Walmart.

Finally, put in the finishing touches! Once your bathroom is complete, sit back and enjoy the experience. A calm, clean space enhances mood, lowers cortisol levels, and decreases stress.